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be kind. rude people suck.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010 1:51 AM
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12:21 AM
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daye is deprived of th thing that she wants.:(
my freaking cousin is working under Fossil, which carries many branded brands like Burberry, Emporio Armani, Armani Exchange, Marc Jacob etc.
so me and baby went to see th watches. hehe
and we saw a very nice couple watch!
thn my cousin say "Oh must go to th main branches under Fossil thn can purchase th watches"
so we went "Watch Station" at 313 &Fossil at Pacific Plaza.
turned out, baby's watch have and mine dont have.
been asking my cousin to help me transf out th watch that i want from Vivo to Pacific so i can get th staff discount from her, but apparently to no avail.
she is freaking selfish, AND I OFFICIALLY DISLIKE HER.
th reasons she gave me:
"dont trouble those ppl."
"i only have 1 hr break and you expect me to help you do that in my limited hour?"
&at times she jst ignore me &took that i didnt say anything.
thanks alot, now i know wad cousins are for :)
argh, cant believe time FLIESSSS.
it's freaking Jan 6th!
omg, 5 more days to schl-reopening.
yeah, i cant wait.
fck, wadever.
jst had a very nice chat with my dear rach .
cant accept th fact that th clique's so broken that there're only 6 of us left. :(
im gna miss you guys, rach mab & BRENDAAA!
brend ah, emo keep drinking is not a way out yeah. :)
if you miss us can jst call us!
me angie and sok and hwee are jst a call away!
yeah, tdy is 6th jan
i i alrd bought HALF of his bday present
yah, half.
cause i actually bought a FEVOcard for him, personalised with our photo.
so sweet right!
but he didnt want th money inside(sad face) so im gna use that money to get something else for him!
which is what, i havent really decided. :p
i think 2009 has been a great year for me.
besides knowing my clique, who are reallyreally great friends, esp sisya, someone rly special &dear to me stepped into my life :)
yeh, you know im talking abt you! :3
every word i wrote in every letter and note i gave you are words from th very bottom of my heart.
which simply means, i rly meant every thing i wrote.
i'll treasure you loads, i swear.
besides my precious baybee,
sisya! is th nxt person that i hope to keep in contact with throughout my life. :)
although she can get really aunty at times, its her aunty-ness that reminds me of impt stuffs that i've to deal with be it choir or studies.
srsly lucky that i've got her with me in th same cca.
caroling with her, worrying abt brend with her, joking &fooling arnd with her, its really fun.
i guess its jst th kind of "something" that you have between ppl born on th same day. :p
although many times after caroling i'd pangseh you and go with jh, i rly hope you dont mind!
2010's gna be a tough year for us! JIAYOU FOR As! :D
(hope you find a rly nice guy soon siaoehh!)
urgh, and i miss calling each other siao-ehs within th clique.
2009's so memorable..
I LOVE 2009!
I LOVE S20 CLIQUE (i rly do)
baby, like an elixir that heals,
your words &actions brings liveliness to my life,
making it vibrant &colourful.
i wonder how, but it jst happended, so miraculously,
just like a fairytale coming true.
Monday, December 28, 2009 12:51 AM
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12:38 AM
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Sing Myself A Love Song Cause I'm Crazily In Love.i miss yapjiahan.
had my veryvery last caroling session @ GrandPark CityHall on Friday.
&my verily shuaige boyfriend went there to hear my solos. :p
somehow bay wore until damnnnn shuai on friday.
so shuai that i fell in love with him all over again~ hehe
after my caroling ended, we went home , changed thn went to Farrer Park CitySqMall.
wanted to buy th tarts but all sold out :(
thn we went to buy sushi cause got 30% offer. hoho.
ate alrd thn headed down to town.
shopped but didnt managed to buy anything :(
Orchard Rd was freaking filled with ppl.
But it's such a turn-off srsly.
at 1015pm th workers are alrd removing th "accessories" for Orchard Rd ie th lights etc.
esp Taka, omfg.
few mintues past 10pm and th workers have alrd succesfully removed one of its gigantic pink ribbon.
everyone there enjoying th last 2 hrs of 25th xmas day &they had to do that.
kinda spoiled my mood abit.
urgh D:<
aft orchard went to baby's hse .
he had mj session with his friends so i played. :p
quite fun to play with them, bunch of funny friends.
thn had to leave arnd 245 cause my aunt askd me to go home D:
baby sent me to outside his house de road thn i cabbed home.
went msia over th wkends. SHOPPED!
managed to only buy one bra and one top.
had sushi for lunch (again).
thn went home alrd.
forever love.
staying with you till forever ends.
Sunday, December 20, 2009 3:47 PM
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Yoooi jst came across this very nice fb group.
The content : (which i think is quite true)
90 things that girls need to know about guys.
1. Guys dont actually like sluts as much as they say they do, even though they have sex with them!(Oh yeah… you're not "popular" if you've slept with loads of guys… you're probably just a HOE)
2. "Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" are two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.
3. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
4. Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're gonna say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.
5. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile, it’s usually more important than the body.
6. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.
7. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're goin for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.
8. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to; if a guy knows a girl likes him but doesn’t like her… he still wants to be the only guy she talks to.
9. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.
10. Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend, unless it’s negative, then it’s cool.
11. Guys get jealous very easily, even if they don’t show it.
12. Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.
13. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!... ugh... nevermind..." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
14. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like. If a guy seems cool around girls, just see how he acts in front of the girl he really likes.
15. Guys hate asking parents for money to buy girls presents. So they come up with ideas like saving their lunch money for a week. But it never works because guys are always hungry so they end up asking the parents for money anyway.
16. Girls are guys' weaknesses.
17. Guys are very open about themselves if you just ask.
18. It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long.
19. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
20. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice unless he asks for it.
21. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you. Poking, light pushing, blocking your way and random high 5’s are tell tell signs.
22. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
23. Guys will brag about anything if you don’t tell them not to.
24. Guys use words like buff or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful. If a guy uses that, he likes you, if he uses it to describe other girls, he probably just wants to sound sweet in front of you, and therefore likes you.
25. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
26. Guys love it when girls wear their clothes (jacket, hat, etc) especially if it’s a girl they like, they will often let them wear it in unreasonable circumstances…like the pouring rain.
27. Any guy could write out a rulebook or advice book for flirting, but no guy can write out a book about relationships.
28. Try to be as straightforward as possible, if you like a guy, just tell him, they’ll usually be flattered. If there is something wrong with your relationship, just tell him, if hes a nice guy he’ll do his best to fix the problem.
29. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't be mature and grown up.
30. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
31. No matter how much guys talk about arses and boobs, personality is key.
32. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience, your NEVER going to meet Mr. Darcy.
33. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.34. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.
35.When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.
36. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and talk to me."
37. Guys don't really have final decisions.
38. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
39. If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.
40. When a guy looks at you for longer than 3 seconds, he's definitely thinking something.
41. Guys like femininity not feebleness.
42. Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.
43. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
44. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
45. Everything in moderation. Put on makeup, wear perfume. Just not too much.
46. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.
47. Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.
48. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
49. A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
50. No guy can handle all his problems by his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.
51. Not all guys are dickheads. Just because ONE is doesnt mean he represents ALL of us. Quit assuming.
52. We don't like girls who are too skinny.
53. We love it when girls talk about their boobs.
54. Always make sure you know what kind of stuff you're getting into before making out with a guy...like whether it's a one time deal or not...
55. Believe it or not shy guys are the easiest to talk to, it may not seem right but trust me they will start opening up like books after you just ask them questions about their lives and unoticabley tell them about yours.
56. When a guy hits your butt it means that he wants you sexually.
57. When a guy doesn’t touch you flirtily alot, but smiles at you a lot and makes eye contact a lot, its probably because he likes you and feels weird about touching you…but really wants to.
58. Even if they refuse it all guys are ticklish on the ribs.
59. Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it... it means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts.
60. Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.
61. If a guy tells you to dump your boyfriend, he's being a twat, if he tells you that there is the possibility of finding someone else (HIM) if you do dump him, he probably likes you and just wants to see you happy.
62. No matter how much they complain (if they do), guys actually like it when girls lean on them.
63. Guys relate everything a lot of things to sex... a joke, a slip of the tongue, a giggle, a yawn, a stretch, whatever...its stupid but true.
64. If you add a guy on myspace or Facebook and you don't know him...chances are he'll assume its because you're attracted to him.
65. If a guy acts like a dick sometimes and doesnt trust you, it might be because he has been badly hurt in the past and is afraid to open up again.
66. Just because a guy isn't holding/kissing you, doesnt mean he doesn't want to, you might just need to initiate it.
67. All guys want to make you happy (unless they're pricks), some just don't know how...so help them out.
68. Most guys just naturally prefer a girl with a bit of curve.
69. Guys are just as self conscious and insecure as girls, ;we also fear rejection, the guy who really likes you is the one who will never dare say so.
70. Boys liked to be talked to. A guy will feel more comfortable around a girl if the girl starts talking to them.
71. The way a girl moves her body can easily be much sexier than anything she says or does.
72. Girls: when you slow down with your boyfriend, make sure you give a damn good reason or we feel like its our fault because we can't comprehend that you really just want to slow down.
73. Every guy has a 'neeky' side of him. Whether it be playin games, watching movies, or playing football, but don't make fun of him if you don't like it, unless it's something you both find funny, otherwise just try and learn to like it. Don't try to change him. If he's constantly ignoring you for that thing, tell him, he'll probably try and do it less.
74. Guys will always check out other girls, even if we make it less obvious when we're around you, it does not mean we're considering leaving you for the girl on the bus. It just comes to us without thinking, so don't freak out when a guy looks at another girl. It's just nature, and we know you were oggling at the cute guy that just walked passed. And hey, guys can have female friends just like girls can have male friends, just because he gets a text from a girl does not mean he is cheating on you. But if this does make things awkward, talk about it.
75. NEVER EVER kick a guy in the balls...seriously. Not even in a fight (play or real) or argument, you can't imagine how much that hurts (don't bring up giving birth because you know it's different). The slightest kick can often have an excruciating delayed reaction...so yeah...just don't do it...please.
76. When a guy is talkin to a girl, his gut instinct is to make her laugh. Whether he is good at this or not, he will try. As a result boys can sometimes appear immature or weird when you first meet them, but they're probably just nervous so give them time and get to know them.
77. At some point a guy will try to play fight with you. There are two reasons for this: a) Guys like to fight and show you how strong they are. b) It gives them an excuse to touch you.
78. It is very sexy and appealing for a girl to wear a guy's boxers and shirt. That's all. We don't know why that is, but it just is.
79. Guys dont like girls who don't make an effort. If he travels four hours just to see you for three, appreciate it and don't admit you wouldn't do the same, half the time we wouldn't expect you to anyway!
80. Guys have standards for what type of girl they want to have. Every girl is the perfect girl for somebody.
81. Guys don't like it when girls amplify things. It's very annoying.
82. Even the coolest guys, worry a lot about how they come across, they are probably trying very hard to seem so cool. So don't undermine or mock a guy you like or are friends with, he might not burst into tears but it does not do wonders for his self-esteem. And if you do take the piss, make it fairly clear your joking, it will let the guy know you dont dislike him, you have a sense of humour, and its ok for him to have a come back.
83. If a guy is completely, 100% honest with you about things he's not to sure/proud of, be grateful, because it can be pretty rare.
84. Although we do relate many things to sex, not everything is literally sexual, they like just being close to you too.
85. Guys only like sluts when they're single, as soon as their in a relationship, its just annoying.
86. Guys will always be nervous about giving girls presents they like, no matter how close to or comfortabke they are around the girl. Your opinion is just too important to him.
87. Guys are often terrified of a girl they like too much. The way some girls make you feel makes it impossible for you to function, the same reason a lot of guys persue strictly physical relationships.
88. Guys may not know how to handle a relationship, we admit, we're not the greatest nor the smartest at doing things right. But girls are definitely not any better, so please don't argue with us and make it seem like you know how things are supposed to be and your ways are right. It may seem logical, but frankly, it always isn't.
89. Guys love anything you wear. Really. Don't continuously ask them how you look every time you wear something.
90. THE NUMBER ONE RULE: Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
quite cool aye? haha.
bay read &tell me whether true nort k! :p
1:03 AM
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1:00 AM
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:Di had brunch with bay's parents. hehe.
went to Chinatown and ate at restaurant calld Spring Court.
wooo. ate Buddha Jump Over Wall. hoho
:p so generous of baby's parents.. :D
Today, i love you.
Tomorrow, i'll love you.
The day after tomorrow, i'll still love you.
The daysss after that, i'll still be loving you.
i'll always love you, i promise. ♥
Monday, December 14, 2009 1:11 AM
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12:45 AM
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my blog's dead, &im dying soon.i feel miserable recently.
first th sore throat.
thn th flu came (somehow)
and now my forehead's hot and i can feel my temperature rising.
jst what's gng on?!
went for choir @PoMo ytd night. my sorethroat+flu killed my high notes &i cld barely hear myself reaching th superly high note in my OCome descant. fck.
after choir baby came and find me after his work.
he was dng surveys @suntec! hahah :p
thn after we met we bus-d down to orchard! woohoo.
actually planned to go there to spam photos of orchard rd.
in th end... yeh i brought th camera, but my cam batt was still charging at HOME!
felt so stupid.
went to Macs for dinner thn went to Tangs, hoping to find th orange Dickies bag.
Went to Vivo's Tangs on Friday, wantedto buy th orange bag. in th end th staff's attitude was like shite. IT WAS ORANGE COLOR YO! she told me "oh that's th last one". fck. how cld that be possible?! i dont see anyone bringing orange bags arnd yo mud.
okay anw, cldnt find Dickies at all in Orchard Tangs :(
thn we went to hunt for th place with lotsa ahlians&bengs. th XXCineplex. yeah i cant rmb th name la, wadever.
In th end we went Heeren instead. hehe.
went into SpinTheBottle and saw this very nice brownredgreen checkered bag. oomg i jst loved it. thn went to CHECK and saw th orange dickies. urgh, very indecisive betwn th 2bags.
and in th end i bought th YakPak bag. hohoh.
$50! and th carrier was very nice~ :D
after buying my bag, went to 313 and bought caramel latte. hehe.
thn bus back to dhoby for 147.
thn went home le :)
Have been caroling quite often recently.
hehe i find that it's smth very nice to do. :)
oh &my baby came rafflesplace on Friday to see me carol~
hehehe ♥
today is 14th Dec.
11 more days to 25th Dec, Christmas Day, 5months' day.
i look forward to spending my life with you, yes, my life.
jst you &only you wld be enough for me to treasure &love.
i know i get unreasonable at times but yet you're always understanding enough to forgive me, despite how angry i've made you.
i did stupid things without considering your feelings but still you let them pass &continued loving me.
sometimes all th quarrels makes me wonder if im ever worthy of you &your love.
but thn you'd be there to assure me that yes i am.
&that's how you got me lovin' you.
Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:10 AM
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2:37 AM
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hehe,jiahan is th awesome-est boyfriend in th worldd! :D(baby ask me post de)
stupid pigboy is having his 2nd mahjong session at biggay's house right now!
This would be his last mj session!
Gotta force him to start studying for his tests nxt week :)
My new camera rocks!
although im still not very familiar with which shooting mode to use etcetc, i think it rocks!
it has a chio face &is jst chio.
Official starting day of holiday! :3
slept till 11am thn went hgmall , bought bengawan solo pandan cake thn bus-d down to Kallang, mummy's work place.
i cant tahan th fact that i always have to spam call her before she finally picks up th phone.
it jst gets on my nerves &makes me frustrated! urgh.
anw, i called her like 5 times thn she finally picked up th phone.
thn went up to her workplace (my first visit)
had free brunch there, hehe.
th porridge that th aunty cooked was damn freaking nice.
tastes like my ahma's.
had a bowl of porridge &a slice of cake, thn went to fnd my mom.
saw many cute lil babies and kids there.
took a few pictures of them too.
there's this kid who had a jap sumo face!
haha :X
abit ugly la.
thn a lil guy calld weihan. very cutee!
totally not afraid of strangers!!
so i went over to carry him and he jst allowed me to!
so cute of him.
he's like th cutest amongst all th babies there.
&he doesnt know how to walk yet. hahah.
thn another baby in orange clothes! he got th super blur face.
feel like giving him tight slap those type :x
shall post his pic later!
another baby girl calld ANQI! haha. :p (same as sisya!)
she kept pushing her toy to me -.-"
okay after th visit, i left at 315.
at that place was so lok kok that my phone had totally no reception.
&baby calld me like 28times before i finally went out , and he cld call through.
thn rushed down to tpy &traind to yck to meet baby.
thn went his house :)
arnd 630 we left &bus-d down to pasir ris!
met brend and guys for drinking!
there were brend nich sisya raudah jundong jeff[jd's friend] &hayden(is it spelld this way, or is it keiden?) :\
okay wadever.
thn we drank and played drinking games.
that xxden guy ran into th girls' toilet and shouted "qiang jian!"
thn baby had to go in front of those ahlians playing swing, practically act like a moron and shout "WAAAA" -.-"
and he shouted so dman loud la omg..
overall th game was kinda fun. :)
thn blasted music all th way.
and obviously brend was drunk before we even started th game o.o
okay thn we had some food and went back le.
baby was drunk and slept all th way from pasir ris to hougang.
&i talkd to his mom on th phone! :\
thn me and baby went Ave8 Macs and had our "dinner".
after that as usual, he sent me home..
his mom knew that he was with me, so she jst locked th door adn went to sleep -.-"
from 12 to 1245 baby jst kept spam calling his house but no one answered.
i helped to call his dad's hp but to no avail too.
thn suddenly i cldnt contact baby at all.
for a moment i thought "how come he spam call so hiong" cause his phone was constantly unavailable!
thn i realised his phone was out of batt.
askd him to go bryan's hse, he didnt want too.
so he jst sat outside his house &waited!! -.-"
yeah and i was worried sick cause i cldnt reach him.
so for th nxt 20 mins, i logged in his fb and msn&finally found someone who cld give me bryan's no.
so bryan texted me and i askd him to go baby's house to check on baby.
in th end that pigboy was rly sitting outside his house waiting for a miracle. -.-
and by that time it was alrd 145AM.
so pigboy went to biggay's house.
and within 5 min, pigboy managed to contact his mom cause his mom jst nice woke up for toilet.
damn suey.
okay thn pigboy went home after that.
end of story. :p
met baby &we went vivo for sushi!
there's this sushi shop at basement of vivocity which sells cheap and nice sushi.
it's rly cheap, like srsly even cheaper thn th lousy EPOsushi or is it EDOsushi?
thn sorta did something wrong again which made baby angry :(
after that we bus-d down to bugis and shopped.
looked arnd for black shirt for caroling &baby went to shop for black pants too.
in th end he cldnt find any, and i bought my black blouse at G2000.
thn we went to HipDinerUSA for dinner!
its a restaurant by BillyBombers.
th LambShank there is rly nice!
and i love their mashed potatoooo!
after dinner went to shop for baby's wallet.
thn went home le. :)
had choir prac at POMO.
after prac i saw MsYoung @MadJack at POMO.
she didnt see me though, cause she was inside th restaurant and i was only passing by.
baby waited for me at POMO.
and bought me a light dinner.
eggtart and sandwich from MadJack :D
thanks love!
so sweeet of my baby.
iloveyou pigboy!
thn we bus-d down to tampines.
went to see his wallet againnnn.
and we had frolick.
saw brend at Isetan and i fed her frolick.
and baby bought a pair of shorts from cotton on!
yeah and thats abt it. :)
i kinda miss my clique.
I NEED IT ON MONDAY &i dont feel like buying one.
Time together is just never quite enough
when you and I are alone, i've never felt so at home
&i dont wna miss a thing with you.
Monday, November 23, 2009 10:57 PM
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Sunday, November 22, 2009 11:48 PM
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11:32 PM
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HEHEHWendaye is a happy woman. :p
jst came back from shopping with my cousins @cityhall :D
both cousins are having prom on Tuesday..
ahah, so coincident sia :p
was @TOPMAN with my cousins.
ken bought like 167dollars worth of clothes, &was planning to get a member card.
thn a Philipines girl infront of us askd us if we needed a 20% discount voucher.
so in th end my cousin got th discount instead of th member card, and he only paid $137!
TOPMAN is having jeans promotion!
like only $69 per pair of jeans siaaaa.
definitely worth th money :)
thn went to Charles&Keith to get freesia's heels.
thn walkd arnd.
&we went to suntec convention centre!
went for th electriec IT fair &bought a new Olympus camera.
daye's first personal camera.
damn happy :p
thn went for dinner @th foodjunction at suntec &went home le.
i wonder what's causing our distance.
i've never felt so far away from you.
i'm having doubts about our future.
i can't stand this at all.
Juts What Happened?
we're so close yet so far, &it's tearing me apart.
Monday, November 16, 2009 1:49 PM
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all that is mine is yours, that's what i said.
treat you with love and respect in every way
you want it, i gave. you need me i was there.
now you treat me like if i'm not here.
i love you and i need you, dont wanna let go
if you want somebody else please let me know
can't take it no more, i feel i'm dying inside
is this the price i pay for handing you my life?
i know im not perfect but i truly cared.
jst remember i love you, it'll never be the same.
gave you everything, &you threw it all away.
even when times are hard, i held out my arms and held you.
even accepted you through whatever weather.
but i know, i've given you my everything.